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PlayStation Store Europeia

Actualização semanal

Tal como acontece todas as quintas-feiras, a PlayStation Store é actualizada com novos conteúdos. Além das demonstrações de Iron Man e The Bourne Conspiracy, devemos salientar os vídeos dedicados ao evento PlayStation Day.

Fiquem então com a totalidade dos conteúdos:


- Iron Man (946 MB)

- The Bourne Conspiracy

Expansões PlayStation 3:

- High Stakes Poker - Video Chat Add-On

Vídeos PS3:

- Korn - Haze

- High Stakes Poker

- Introduction by Kaz Hirai (629 MB)

- Play has no limitations (284 MB)

- Play is hiding and waiting (979 MB)

- Play is full throttle (293 MB)

- Play is a thousand stories (485 MB)

- Play brings us together (191 MB)

- Play is moving lips, hips (136 MB)

- Play is unexplored (132 MB)

- Summary: Play (102 MB)

- Compilation Trailer (138 MB)

Trailers de filmes:

- Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Temas e papéis de parede para a PS3:

- Echochrome - wallpaper

- PixelJunk Monsters - theme & wallpaper

Demos PSP:

- Everybody's Golf 2 Beginner Demo (30 MB)

- Everybody's Golf 2 Intermediate Demo (30 MB)

- Ultimate Board Game Collection (22 MB)

Expansões PSP:

-Go! Explore Map Packs: Western Europe, UK & Ireland, Spain & Portugal, Scandinavia, Italy, France, Benelux

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