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Nova imagem de SOMA revelada

Juntamente com uma nova mensagem de rádio.

O Frictional Games revelou no seu blog uma nova imagem de SOMA, o seu jogo projeto dentro do género Survival Horror, que está acompanhada de uma mensagem de rádio (ver em baixo).

SOMA será lançado para PC e PlayStation 4 algures em 2015.

Transcription of radio message intercepted at XX/XX/XXX.

UNKNOWN: Look, this is the short version. - [CORRUPT DATA] - gone rogue. We're not sure what it's up to, but it looks like it's messing with the help. Are you hurt in any way, are you guys okay?

AMY: - [CORRUPT DATA] - are turning on us! We need to get out of here.

UNKNOWN: Hold on, don't panic. Carl, tell Amy to calm down. You guys can't have much left to do before evac.

CARL: Calm down, Amy.

AMY: You calm down!

An alarm is heard in UNKNOWN's mic.

UNKNOWN: Shit. I got to go. Stay the course, ok? Stay the -

Static outburst after which the signal is lost.

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